Why choose a furnished apartment?


Why choose a furnished apartment?

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Be Casa Apartments
6 minutes of reading

There are several types of apartments on the market today. If you have already decided to move into new accommodation, you have probably already realised that there are a number of factors to consider before making your decision.

One of the most important is whether you want an unfurnished, partly furnished, or fully furnished apartment.

Types: Furnished and partly furnished

The main idea of a furnished apartment is to make you feel at home from the moment you move in. The feeling of being overwhelmed by not having time or money to buy everything you need can be avoided if you have a decorated apartment with all the furniture and appliances.

There are different types of furnished apartments, which varies based on the amount of furniture available. These are fully furnished or partly furnished apartments (usually a “fitted kitchen”).

These apartments do not follow any strict rule that requires a minimum or maximum amount of furniture; that will depend on the agreement or contract you accept. Therefore, from the beginning, it is important that you check what your apartment includes so you know what you have and what is missing.

Although the exact items may vary from apartment to apartment, they usually include a sofa, a dining table, beds, and essential kitchen appliances.

All Be Casa apartments are fully furnished with the basics, such as a bed, furniture, tables and chairs, and all the necessary appliances.

In addition, our interior design experts have chosen every element in your apartment. In other words, not only will you have everything you need for your daily life, but you will also be surrounded by the best quality paintings, colours, and textures. Just as if you had chosen everything yourself.


Reduced costs

People are not always prepared to do all the necessary shopping when they move into a new apartment, especially if it is their first time. If you move into a fully furnished apartment, you will spend less on preparing that apartment and, therefore, have more money to spend on other things.

Moving is easier

You probably already have some furniture and appliances from your current home. The issue is how to move everything into your new apartment. Packing, moving, and the cost can be quite taxing, especially if you are moving to another city. None of this is an issue when you decide to move into a fully furnished apartment, as everything will be there.

Perfect for short-term rentals

Your situation may mean you are unsure whether to commit resources to an apartment when you don’t know how long you will be staying, or you don’t know whether you like the city, etc. For example, if you are self-employed and travel a lot or a university student with little time left to finish your studies. If you have a fully furnished apartment, you will have no furniture, appliances, or removals to tie you down.

Possibility of savings

You will be able to save because you will not have to buy anything for the interior of the apartment, and you will have more time to get items that suit your taste when you move into an unfurnished apartment.

Save time and stress

Moving house is stressful and time-consuming. However, by renting a fully furnished apartment, you will save time, energy, and money.

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